Lisa Ricard Claro's assignment - Write a book jacket blurb (150 words or less) so enticing that potential readers would feel compelled to buy the book.
Our book cover image provided by Lisa's daughter, Christina.
My belated effort to fulfill this assignment follows:
Are you a fan of the paranormal? Do you watch today’s paranormal television series (there are several) hoping to see proof of life beyond the physical world?
Join us as we take you on a tour of the paranormal; to explore the dark basements where the unexplained has not only been experienced, but has also been documented. Skeptics are welcome to join us – even if you still don’t believe, we’re sure you’ll enjoy the tour which will include visual documentation, Web sites where auditory evidence is posted, and the researched histories of each location which may explain the phenomena encountered.
We will tell you about locations and cities that offer public ghost tours. Plus, we have information on paranormal research groups who offer occasional “ghost hunting” opportunities to those who are interested. Feed your paranormal addiction today!
Labels: adventure, afterlife, excitement, flash fiction, ghost hunting, ghosts, lisa ricard claro, meme, paranormal, supernatural, TGIBBG
Nice! A commercially viable blurb, for certain. With all the paranormal television shows, and ghost walks offered by so many cities, this is one that would sell for sure. Great angle!
Nice take on the picture. You really think outside the pumpkin.
LOL - thanks, Tammy. Should I change my name to Peter Pumkineter?
This is great. It's so interesting to see what comes out in writing based on the photo.
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