Grandma of Grandma’s Goulash is hosting a weekly microfiction meme wherein a photo is posted for us to use the photo to create a story of 140 characters OR 140 words. It doesn’t have to be exactly 140, just not more. If we want a greater challenge, then we are to use the word of the week in our stories, but it is optional. This week’s word is aquatic.
The aquatic center, the largest in the world, begins construction in upstate New York. It will allow public and private use once completed. (139 characters)
Labels: flash fiction, grandmas goulash, microfiction, succinctly yours
That's what upstate New York needs to break the monotony of rolling green hills and woods! Great take on this week's picture.
Great take on the pic.
As a former upstate New Yorker, I just loved this one.
@Pat Not like they the area is unrelieved green. There's always Lake Champlain and the Erie Canal. :D
My Succinct: Mama
Good use of the weekly word.
Well done. It sounds like an official press snippet!
Good idea, get the emphasis off all that figure skating.
A very good take on the photo prompt and the word!
— K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Oh, great idea for this clever of you! I wasn't even clever enough to use the right photo...did last week's instead, but still had fun...:)
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