Saturday, July 20, 2013

K is for Vitamin K

Vitamin_K is not a vitamin we hear about every day. You don't get it from taking that daily multivitamin. But, it is a very important part of our body's needs. You see, without it, our blood wouldn't clot properly. Vitamin K is the nutritional source for the 13 factors (proteins) that create the Coagulation necessary to keep us from bleeding to death from a minor wound.

But, it is more than that. It also helps prevent our bones from becoming brittle, helps prevent Calcification of our blood vessels and helps prevent post-menopausal bone loss. There is also some indication of a link between Vitamin K and the prevention of liver and prostate cancers. However, the first four are very well established.

The chart I've posted here shows some of the most Vitamin K rich vegetables you can eat. Interesting that the highest quantity is a vegetable that begins with the letter K. That makes it easy to remember!

I also noticed that many of the vegetables rich in Vitamin K are also rich in iron - another substance needed for our blood to be healthy. It's probably not a coincidence that the two are found together naturally.

Other plant products rich in this vitamin are: asparagus, cabbage, blueberries, tomatoes, celery, sea vegetables (kelp? another K!), cucumbers, green beans, Leeks and cauliflower.

I personally like blueberries, collard_greens, green_beans, asparagus, Broccoli and Cauliflower very much. And, I eat a lot of food items that use tomatoes as a primary ingredient. But, there are just so many options to be had from these two lists of vegetables. It would be very hard for anyone to not get a sufficient quantity of Vitamin K.

However, some signs that there may be a deficiency are: excessive bleeding (heavy periods, bleeding gums, frequent nosebleeds), bruising easily, calcification problems or bones that are weak and fracture easily. Of course, your doctor also needs to be informed because there may be other things going on, but it won't hurt to increase your quantity of Vitamin K rich foods.

Information and image source:;dbid=112

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