OUR MISSION: Write a book jacket blurb (150 words or less) so enticing that potential readers would feel compelled to buy the book.
OUR SOURCE OF INSPIRATION: Here is our "book cover" for next week, provided by the talented artist and writer, Sandra Davies. Thanks Sandra!
Thank you for participating in Book Blurb Friday. If you haven't yet attempted a book blurb, I hope you'll join in. The blurbs are fun to write, and it’s fun reading what others have written.
Nothing appeared out of the ordinary when Kate arrived at her exhusband’s place. The truck was where he always parked it, the lawn was mowed and the hedges trimmed. Yet, she just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very wrong. As she approached the house, she noticed the frost-covered spider’s web that was attached to the truck’s sideview mirror and driver’s door. She then knew her feeling was right. Dave was a fanatic when it came to his truck. One speck of bird poop and it required a complete detailing. This spider’s web wasn’t new and shouldn’t still be there. But, could she call the police with only that to go on? She doubted it. She knew she was going to have to go inside the house…despite the intense feeling of dread that had overtaken her.
Labels: microfiction, mystery, spiders, TGIBBF, web
I wouldn't go inside the house. I'd call the police, even with just a spider web to go on. Feelings of dread are dreadful for good reason.
— K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
The spider's web as an omen of disaster is a nice take. Spooky! And there are so many different things she might find once inside the house. Great hook.
I hate spiders so much. I'm so very glad there was no spider in this photo! LOL But, the creepy feeling I got just with the web fell into a story-line. Thanks for visiting!
Don't go, don't go-LOL! Good one.
Oh no! - definitely not. Nice tight blurb this one with a 'must find out' impact.
I agree with Lisa. The foreshadowing use of the spider web was clever!
I liked that is was a thriller. Well done!
Hi Wendy
Definitely a great "must find out" hook. Where the story goes from here is a lovely mystery, but is sure to be a thrill a minute!
Great work.
Add me to the list of people who loved how you used the web as a clue. Great building of suspense! And really--anything could be in there. I must buy this book to find out what's happened.
No, she shouldn't go in. But I surely hope she does. This would make a hair-raising tale tale and I'd be buying it.
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