Succinctly Yours for May 30 - Mama
Labels: fiction, flash, flash fiction, grandmas goulash, photo trigger
A creative writing blog in which to display my pursuit of several writing challenges.
Labels: fiction, flash, flash fiction, grandmas goulash, photo trigger
Labels: ability, esteem, expectations, pride, self-fulfilling prophecy, verbal abuse
Labels: book blurb, book blurb friday, lisa ricard claro, microfiction
Labels: flash fiction, historical, romance
Labels: book blurb, microfiction, mystery, photo trigger, TGIBBF
Labels: flash fiction, grandmas goulash, microfiction, succinctly yours
Labels: diaspora, Dust Bowl, Great Depression, lisa ricard claro, microfiction, obermoeller
Labels: flash fiction, grandmas goulash, microfiction, succinctly yours
Labels: book blurb, microfiction, TGIBBF
Labels: art, cinder blocks, graffiti, microfiction, mural, wall